Thursday, January 31, 2008

motion city soundtrack

midwest love affair; i bend when i am bored
late night liquor blue will lead me to the floor
can we fake it? can we make believe?
i'm so full of love it deeply sickens me

but all i could do was close my eyes
and cross my heart and hope to die
because you don't fucking listen
when i'm around

midwest aftermath, the rumors start to rise
did i truly do the things that you've described?
they must hate me, every single one
it just sickens them what i consider fun

the least you could do is take it back
all the vicious remarks and verbal attacks
because i can't fucking stand it
when you're around

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

bright eyes

there's a voice on the phone
telling what had happened
some kind of confusion
more like a disaster
and it wondered how you were left unaffected
but you had no knowledge
no, the chemicals covered you

and so a jury was formed
as more liquor was poured
no need for conviction
they're not thirsting for justice

but i slept with the lies
i keep inside my head
i found out i was guilty
but i won't be around
for the sentencing
because i'm leaving
on the next airplane

and though i know that my actions are impossible to justify
they seem adequate to fill up my time
and if i could talk to myself
like i was someone else
well then maybe i could take your advice
and i wouldn't act like such an asshole all the time

there's a film on the wall
makes the people look small
who are sitting beside it
all consumed in the drama
they must return to their lives
once the hero has died
they will drive to the office
stopping somewhere for coffee
where the folk singers, poets, and playwrights convene
dispensing their wisdom
oh, dear amateur orators
they will detail their pain
in some standard refrain
that will recite their sadness
like it's some kind of contest
well if it is,
i think i am winning it
all beaming with confidence
as i make my final lap
the gold medal gleams
so hang it around my neck
because i am deserving it
the champion of idiots

but a kid carries his walkman on that long bus ride to omaha
i know a girl who cries when she practices violin
because each note sounds so pure
it just cuts into her
and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes
and now to me, everything else
it just sounds like a lie

primer 55

think before you speak
don't say things that you'll regret
you'll criticize but you'll never realize
that things don't come to you like that

life house

i can't be losing sleep over this, no i can't
and now i cannot stop pacing
give me a few hours and i'll have this all sorted out
if my mind would just stop racing

this is over my head
but underneath my feet
because by tomorrow morning i'll have this thing beat
and everything will be back to the way that it was

i wish that it was just that easy

would you catch me if i fall
out of what i fell in?
don't be surprised if i collapse down at your feet again
i don't want to run away from this
but i know that i just don't need this

because i'm waiting for tonight
then waiting for tomorrow
and i'm somewhere in between
what is real and just a dream

Monday, January 28, 2008

sea wolf

old gypsy woman spoke to me
lips stained red from a bottle of wine
“the one that you are looking for
you’re not gonna find her here
you're a wolf, boy
get out of this town”

Saturday, January 26, 2008

death cab for cutie

home's face: how it ages when you're away
spring blooms and you find the love that's true
but you don't know what now to do
because the chase is all you know
and she stopped running months ago
and all you see
is where else you could be when you're at home
out on the street are so many possibilities to not be alone
the flames and smoke climbed out of every window
and disappeared with everything that you held dear
and you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
because you knew you were finally free

nightmare of you

so on those days home in your car
we jerked the steering wheel to the median
joking that we'd end our lives
but we weren't joking all of the time

a flash of dark interest
steers us into a car crash
uniting our remains; a fiery hurray

our hands touch
pressed up against melting glass
and you're calling out my name
as the air escapes

now i want to be buried in your backyard
and when the flowers grow just know you’re still in my heart

of montreal

the past is a grotesque animal
and in its eyes you see
how completely wrong you can be
the sun is out
it melts the snow that fell yesterday
makes you wonder why it bothered

it's so embarassing to need someone like i do you
how can i explain?
i need you here and not here too
but at least i author my own

things could be differentbut they're not
and it's my favorite scene
but the cruelty's so predictable
makes you sad on the stage
though our love project has so much potential
it's like we weren't made for this world
though i wouldn't really want meet someone who was

you've red-rovered the gestapo circling my heart
and nothing can defeat you
no death, no ugly world
you've lived so brightly
you've altered everything
i find myself searching for old selves
while speeding forwardthrough the plate glass of maturing cells
even apocolypse is fleeting
there's no death, no ugly world

sometimes i wonder if you're mythologizing me like i do you
we want our film to be beautiful, not realistic
see me in the radiance of terror dreams
you can betray me
you can teach me something wonderful

project your fears onto me
i need to view them
see there's nothing to them
i promise you there's nothing to them

i'm so touched by your goodness
you make me feel so criminal
how do you keep it together?
i'm all unraveled
but you know no matter where we are
we're always touching by underground wires
i've explored you with the detachment of an analyst
but most nights we've raided the same kingdoms
and none of our secrets are physical now


you were almost kind
you were almost true
don't let me see that other side of you
you have learned in time that you must be cruel
i'll have to wait to get the best of you

happens every time, so it must be true
step on a kid, he'll grow up hating you
were you ever kind, were you always cruel?
who's ever seen that other side of you?

happened every time, so it must be true?
where did you learn it's either him or you?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

harvey danger

when you dream
you dream of the day when you find something you can love
half as much as you love all your little round mirrors
see yourself reflected in one
there's a hole in the middle you can't seem to fill

and you cry
then you lie your frail body down
like a penny on a railroad track
but every time you crash a little bit harder than the last
and every time you crash
don't you want to find something you can love
half as much as you love all your little round mirrors?

all alone on the floor
here you are and there you're going to stay
until you can find someone who will love you
as much as you love all your little round mirrors

murdering your time in cold blood
there's a hole in the middle you can't seem to fill

tegan and sara

where do you go with your broken heart in tow
what do you do with the left over you
and how do you know when to let go
where does the good go

look me in the heart and tell me you won't go
look me in the eye and promise no love's like our love
look me in the heart and un break the broken

where do you go when you're in love and the world knows
how do you live so happily while i am sad and broken down
where does the good go

nightmare of you

i crept up to your lover's window
he poured a scotch and sobbed alone in the kitchen

why am i always right?

as you slept away the day in my bedroom
i found a criminal use for your pillow
i love you terribly, i swear that this is true
but i just can't stop my hands from smothering you

you're just like your dad
you don't only share his eyes
it's the drink that's in your hand
it's that knack for telling awful lies
now i need a guillotine to get you off my mind

stick a fork in a socket, do what you'd like
just make sure that i'm far out of your life
take an axe to your fingers, carve out your eyes
cut out your lying tongue
and then we'll call this a tie


if i could cheat
i would skip to the end
and decide if it's worth going through with
skip to the last paragraph
just before we start
to see the happy ending
or the broken heart

foutains of wayne

seth shapiro got his law degree
he moved to brooklyn from schenectady, '93
got some clients in the food industry
he says it's not the money, it's the recipes

he calls his mom, says he's doing fine
she's got somebody on the other line
puts coldplay on, pours a glass of wine
curls up with a book about organized crime

beth mckenzie got the job of her dreams
retouching photos for a magazine aimed at teens
it's thursday night she should be out on the scene
but she's sitting at home watching "the king of queens"

there's something wrong that she can't describe
she takes the contacts out of her eyes
sets the alarm for 6:45
so she can get a little exercise

when it's late, and it's hot
and a date with the late show's all that you've got
don't give out, don't give up
one of these nights you might find someone to love

and you're not the only one who's lonely

seth shapiro is trying in vain
to hail a taxi in the morning in the pouring rain
beth mckenzie sees one just up ahead
she cuts in front of him and leaves him for dead

bright eyes

i could have used some warning
i was on that porch all morning
smoking cigarettes and sinking deeper into doubt
is it possible for two people to need the same thing?

it's just the lines, they get so blurry
between what was once and now required
and i don't know on which side his heart falls
but i know where mine is buried
and it's so far from any wanting

i'll just come right out and say
that i think that i deserve her
more than anyone deserves anything
maybe i am selfish, but there is no way to share this

i’m sure that there are reasons for everything that happens
and absence leads to adoration, yeah it’s nobody’s fault
but now there is no way to change this
so i just photographed and framed it
and it’s hanging in a hallway
that we have no right to walk back down

i just want this shit to end
and i want a place to hang out
where record players play out
and there’s a thousand movies rented
for a thousand nights with her

bright eyes

you say that i treat you like a book on a shelf
i don't take you out that often because i know that i completed you
and that's why you are here
that's the reason you stay here
how awful that must feel

you said you could be my dream
i could have you every night
and if by morning
i'd forgotten you
well no big deal
that'd be alright
because you're the reoccurring kind
you never really leave my mind
are you the love of my lifetime?
because there have been times i've had my doubts


with one hand you'll calm me
with one hand i'm steel

people are fragile things
this you should know by now
be careful what you put them through

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

one republic

i've got my heart set on anywhere but here
i'm staring down myself, counting up the years
and every glance is killing me
time to make one last appeal for the life i lead

stop and stare
i think i'm moving but i go nowhere
i know that everyone gets scared
but i've become what i can't be

you start to wonder why you're here
and not there
and you'd give anything to get what's fair
but fair isn't what you really need


they can't see what's coming
and to this day
when everything breaks
you are the anchor that holds me
and that is why we'll always make it

how i know your face
all the ways you move
i can read you
you're my favourite book

all the things you say
the way you shift your eyes
i never knew there was someone to make me come alive

when the days are long
and the thunder with the storm can always get me crying
you can make my bed
i'll fall into it, shattered but not lonely
because i never knew a home until i found your hands

and when we're making love
i'd give up everything for your touch

when i'm weathered
you come to me
you're my best friend
and that is why we'll always make it

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

aimee mann

it's not
what you thought
when you first began it
you got
what you want
now you can hardly stand it though
by now you know
it's not going to stop
until you wise up

you're sure
there's a cure
and you have finally found it
you think one drink
will shrink you 'til you're underground and living down
but it's not going to stop
until you wise up

prepare a list of what you need
before you sign away the deed
because it's not going to stop
until you wise up
no, it's not going to stop
so just...give up

Monday, January 21, 2008

gym class heroes

she says she loves me
but she comes and goes when she pleases
when the door shuts
it's like another papercut
and now i'm stuck with a hand full of bandaids
until she comes back around like those ceiling fan blades

she claims she loves me
but she cuts me into pieces
when i'm sewn up, here comes another papercut

now she consumes me
no room for self these days
i hate it when her face is invading my head again
i've grown accustomed to bending my beliefs
to satisfy her needs
but i'm fed up
with plugging cuts everytime they bleed
so i dip my pen in the puddle
what a bloody mess its been
trying to end this struggle
but i love her
she's the reason for the lesions
i start bleeding when she's leaving
and every scar on my fingertip
is a reminder of all the lessons learned
on my missions to try to find her

red hot chili peppers

my love affair with everywhere was innocent
why do you care?
someone start the car, time to go...
you're the best i know

my, what a good day for a walk outside
i'd like to get to know you a little better
god knows that i really tried

the disrepair of norma jean
could not compare to your routine
balarama beauty going toe to toe

i thought about it and i brought it out
i'm motivated by the lack of doubt

right on the verge, just one more dose
i'm traveling from coast to coast
my theory isn't perfect, but it's close
i'm almost there, why should i care?
my heart is hurting when i share
someone open up, let it show

Sunday, January 20, 2008

miss monroe

i believe that everything happens for a reason. people change so that you can learn to let go. things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right. you believe less so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. and sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.

the most unsatisfactory men are those who pride themselves on virility and regard sex as if it were some form of athletics at which you can win cups. it is a woman's spirit and mood a man has to stimulate in order to make sex interesting. the real lover is the man who can thrill you just by touching your head or smiling into your eyes or just by staring into space.